International Organisations and the Politics of Migration
Martin Carleton University and 2 more
Not Available
Regulation of Speech in Multicultural Societies
Marcel University of Amsterdam and 1 more
Deportation, Anxiety, Justice
Heike University of Mainz and 1 more
Migrants, Minorities, and the Media
Erik Middlebury College and 2 more
Asian Migration and Education Cultures in the Anglosphere
Megan Watkins
Exploring the Migration Industries
Sophie Cranston
Ageing as a Migrant
Ruxandra Oana Ciobanu
Muslims in Europe
Paul University of Sussex and 1 more
The Global Economic Crisis and Migration
Christof University of Flensburg and 1 more
Megan Watkins and 2 more
Sophie Cranston and 2 more
Ruxandra Oana Ciobanu and 2 more
Aspiration, Desire and the Drivers of Migration
Francis L Collins
New Theoretical Dialogues on Migration in China
Hong Guangzhou University and 1 more
(Un)Settled Sojourners in Cities
Elizabeth George Washington University and 1 more
Cross-Border Marriages
Apostolos University of Amsterdam and 1 more
The Question of Skill in Cross-Border Labour Mobilities
Gracia Waseda University and 1 more
The Spiralling of the Securitisation of Migration in the European Union
Valeria Ramon Llull University and 1 more
Reimagining Chinese Diasporas in a Transnational World
Shibao University of Calgary and 1 more
The Microfoundations of Diaspora Politics
Alexandra Délano The New School and 1 more
Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts
Zheng National University of Singapore Mu
Undocumented and Unaccompanied
Cecilia University of California and 1 more
Children of the Crisis
Annika Lems and 2 more
Thai-Western Mobilities and Migration
Paul Statham and 3 more
Diaspora Governance and Transnational Entrepreneurship
Ricard Universitat Pompeu Fabra and 1 more
Re-Thinking Assimilation and Integration
Richard D Alba
Hong Zhu and 1 more
(Un)settled Sojourners in Cities
Elizabeth Chacko and 1 more
Apostolos Andrikopoulos and 2 more
Valeria Bello and 1 more
Gracia LiuFarrer and 2 more
Intellectual Migration
Wei Li and 2 more
Children of Immigrants in Southern Europe
Giuseppe Gabrielli and 1 more
The Digital Empowerment-Control Nexus
Mihaela Nedelcu and 1 more
Computational Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies
Emanuel Deutschmann and 3 more
COVID-19 Return Migration Phenomena
S Irudaya Rajan and 1 more
Temporary Migration
Anna Triandafyllidou
Shibao Guo